Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 2022

Maison Ferré is a company incorporated and registered in Taiwan Region, China with company number xxxxxx (referred to in this Policy as “we, “us” and “our”).

Your personal information will be held and managed by Maison Ferré. By visiting and using Maison Ferré’s website or mobile site ( (the “SITE”) or any Maison Ferré application (“APPLICATION”) that we make available from time to time for the purchase or sampling of products or for interacting with our content and/or services or by contacting our Customer Services Team, you acknowledge that you have read this Privacy Policy. You must be at least 13 years’ old to use the Site and Applications (14 years’ old if you are a customer in mainland China or 18 years’ old if you are a customer in Saudi Arabia). If you are under 13 (or 14in mainland China or 18 in Saudi Arabia) or a minor in your country or state or region of residence, please ask your parent or legal guardian to provide their information for you.

This Privacy Policy covers all personal information about you that we collect, use and otherwise process in connection with your relationship with Maison Ferré as a customer or potential customer. Maison Ferré will collect and use your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy and as permitted by applicable laws, including in circumstances where: (i) it is necessary to provide or fulfil a service requested by or for you; (ii) you have given us your consent; or (iii) it is necessary for one or more of the following legitimate interests pursued by Maison Ferré:

  • To analyse, profile and monitor customer patterns and better understand the interests and preferences of our key customer audiences so we can consistently improve our products and services.
  • To offer an enhanced customer experience and service, including by ensuring we personalise the Site and Application and (if applicable) Maison Ferré updates relating to products, services and events to make them more relevant to our customers’ specific preferences.
  • To ensure the proper functioning and security of our services, Site and/or Applications, for example by identifying and preventing fraudulent transactions.
  • To analyse the footfall at Maison Ferré promotions or events for internal reporting purposes and to ensure adequate and appropriate product and resources.
  • To ensure we continue to comply with applicable laws, for example in maintaining the accuracy of our records.

When you register for an account with us, place an order, interact with our digital content on your computer or mobile device, send us an enquiry, we will collect certain information from you. We will indicate whether this collection involves personal information and, if it does, whether providing your personal information is voluntary or mandatory for the service. Please be aware that where collection is mandatory, we may not be able to provide the relevant products or services to you if you do not provide that information to us. Please select from the different sections of this Privacy Policy to learn more about what personal information we collect and how we use it. If we wish to use your personal information for purposes other than those stated in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your consent where required by applicable laws.

We may collect the following information:

CONTACT INFORMATION AND OTHER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: your name, postal address, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. You acknowledge that we may also obtain information about you as a result of authentication or identity checks (for example in connection with our standard fraud checks when you make a purchase on our Site or Application). We use this information to identify you as a customer, to process your order, to deliver products and services, to process payments, to update our records and to generally manage your account with us under our terms with you. Providing us with certain personal information is voluntary but we may not be able to process your order and/or send you the required order acknowledgement and shipping confirmation communications if you do not provide us with certain requested information.

We may also use your contact information to send you marketing communications and to contact you in relation to service-related matters, including aftercare services or to assist you in relation to prospective purchases on Application and, on occasion, to request and respond to feedback relating to Maison Ferré. This feedback may relate to matters including Maison Ferré’s brand, product and services and/or your experience and satisfaction with Maison Ferré, on our Application. We will only use your contact information where permitted to do so in accordance with applicable laws or if we have your consent to do so (if required by applicable laws).

PAYMENT INFORMATION: information related to your credit card, debit card, and/or other payment information to process payments in connection with your orders.

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: we may ask you for your gender, birthday and age (and where you have a customer account we may infer your age bracket based on your engagement with our stores). You may also provide us with information about yourself, your product size preferences and lifestyle interests on our Site or Application or when using interactive content in Maison Ferré events. We use this information and/or your customer account and profile information for our internal demographic insights into our customers, to offer you an enhanced service according to your preferences, including by identifying relevant products, services and events which may be of interest to you, and personalising your experience with Maison Ferré.

OTHER ACCOUNT AND TRANSACTIONAL INFORMATION: if you have a customer account, we may also collect information about the products you browse online or purchase, where you purchased the products from and other information related to your purchases or which is otherwise relevant to your customer relationship with Maison Ferré. We use this information, for our internal demographic insights into our customers, to offer you an enhanced service according to your preferences (including any style preferences you may share when using our Applications), such as identifying relevant products, services and events which may be of interest to you, personalising your experience with Maison Ferré and sharing with you information about your past purchases.

Together with non-personal information, we may also use this information for our internal marketing analysis and demographic studies, to analyse, profile and monitor customer patterns so we can consistently improve our products and services. This means that we can offer more personalised and integrated shopping and interactive experiences to our customers across our stores, our Site and Applications.

INTERNET AND OTHER ELECTRONIC ACTIVITY: Where permitted under applicable laws or with your consent (if so required by applicable laws), we may use information about how you use our Site, Application and any in-store services to personalise our communications to you, tailor the content appearing on our Site and Application and to personalise our in-store service to you, so as to make the Site, our Application and our services and communications more relevant to you and to enable your use of any interactive features of our services. We also use this information to maintain and improve the Site, our Application, and our services.

We may process information about the device you are using to connect to the services on our Site, Applications or any interactive content we may provide. This may include the type of device you use, your internet browser, your location based on the unique identifier for your device such as an Internet Protocol address (“IP address”) or a code for an Application running on your device. When you attend a Maison Ferré  event, we may also use technologies that connect to the functionality on your mobile device (such as Bluetooth and GPS) and collect information based on Wi-Fi, mobile phone masts, beacons and other in-store technology. See further information regarding Wi-Fi usage below.

We use this information to ensure the proper functioning and security of our Site and Application, to optimise our services to you and to better understand how our content and services are used and their effectiveness.

LOCATION INFORMATION: When you visit our Site we may seek to determine your country/region-level location in order to direct you to the appropriate domain (internet location) of the Site, based on the region you appear to be visiting the Site from. We will do so using information being transmitted publicly via the internet, including your IP address. Where you request location services provided by us. 

WI-FI USAGE INFORMATION: If you register for our free Wi-Fi service at our events, we will collect certain information about your device, including MAC or IP address, connection date and time and the location(s) at which you connected to our Wi-Fi Service, for the purpose of providing the Wi-Fi service under our terms with you. When you connect to our Wi-Fi service you will be directed to our Site and we may collect and process information using “cookies” and other similar technologies. For more details please see “LOCATION INFORMATION” above and “COOKIES” below.

INFERENCES: We may create inferences drawn from the categories of personal information described above in order to create a profile about you to reflect your preferences, characteristics, behaviour and attitudes. We use this information to personalise and improve our services and to better understand the interests and preferences of our key customer audiences.


SOURCES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM YOU. We collect personal information from you directly. We may also collect personal information from you indirectly, including through your use of our Site and/or Application and/or where we draw inferences about you (both as described above).

FROM THIRD PARTIES. We may supplement information we collect about you with marketing and demographic information which we receive from our business partners (which may include departments in which Maison Ferré has a concession) and affiliated third-party companies, in addition to other information which is available in the public domain or which we are otherwise lawfully permitted to be provided with in order to ensure the accuracy of our records, better understand the interests and preferences of our key customer audiences and improve our service to our customers. If you don’t want us to use your personal information in this way then you can contact us at any time to ask us to stop (see “Contacting Maison Ferré” below).

Transaction-related information may be shared with us by our business partners (which would include department stores in which Maison Ferré has a concession) and other third parties (including law enforcement agencies and insurance providers) in order to identify and investigate suspected fraudulent transactions, for sanctions-related screening purposes and to support the security of our services, where permitted in accordance with applicable laws.


We sometimes run promotions (for example on social media platforms) where you can tell us about a friend or someone else who you have a personal relationship with and two-way communications based on your shared interests, experiences, opinions and any other relevant factors (a “Friend”) who may be interested in our products, services, Site or Application. We may therefore also receive information about you from your friends and acquaintances who chose to provide it.

You may only provide us with information about your Friend with their permission. If your Friend gives you their permission to provide us with their details, then we will only use their information for that reason and not to send them any other unrelated offers. We may also mention that it was you who shared their details with us in the message we send to them.

China customers – WeChat official accounts and WeChat mini-programmes (the “WeChat Applications”)

Maison Ferré collects personal information from and about you when you use and interact with Maison Ferré WeChat Applications and may supplement your customer account profile with this information. Maison Ferré WeChat Applications are each treated as a Maison Ferré “Application” for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

We collect and process your WeChat openid when you access and use Maison Ferré WeChat Applications and may also collect and process your unionid and other WeChat profile data if you authorise the Maison Ferré WeChat Application to access this. We process this information to identify you and understand your browsing behaviour and interactions with the Maison Ferré WeChat Application so that you can unlock user experiences and we can personalise our services to you. We will also collect information that you directly input into any Maison Ferré WeChat Application in order to provide the services and/or perform the action requested, for example, make a purchase and/or when you upload any content. With your consent, we will use your WeChat profile data and other information you input into any Maison Ferré WeChat Application to send WeChat notifications or contact you in relation to a particular user experience or requested in-store services.


Cookies are small text files that are sent to or accessed from your web browser or your device’s memory. A cookie typically contains the name of the domain (internet location) from which the cookie originated, the “lifetime” of the cookie (i.e. when it expires) and a randomly generated unique number or another identifier. A cookie will also contain information about your device, such as user settings, browsing history and activities conducted while using the Site and Applications. By linking the information in these cookies with other customer information that you provide to us, for example, when you log-in to the Site or Application, we may be able to identity the cookie information relates to you.

Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your web browser to refuse cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent, however, certain features of our Site or Application may not work if you delete or disable cookies. Some of our Service Partners (discussed below) may use their own cookies, anonymous identifiers, or other tracking technology in connection with the services they perform on our behalf.

We inform you where relevant of our use of cookies and other device identifiers on arriving at our Site, Application or, if required by applicable laws, on entering relevant stores. You acknowledge and agree that by continuing to use our Site or Application or services without managing your cookie and device choices and preferences, that you consent to our cookie and device identifier settings and agree that you understand our Cookies policy. Please be aware that restricting certain cookies or other device identifiers will impact on your user experience and may prevent you from using part of our Site or Application.

Please see the cookie policy for more information about cookies and other technologies which are used on our Site and Application, including information on how you can manage your cookie choices and preferences.


We may allow third-party companies to serve ads and collect certain anonymous information when you visit our Site. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g. click stream information, web browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to the Site and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie to collect this information. Our systems do not recognize browser “Do Not Track” signals, but several of our Service Partners who utilize these cookies on our Site enable you to opt out of targeted advertising practices. We also provide you with additional tools to opt out of marketing from us (see “Unsubscribe from Maison Ferré updates” below).

We may also engage Service Providers who are social media or internet search platforms so that Maison Ferré advertisements appear on those platforms (see ‘Maison Ferré Updates’).


Please note that your calls with Maison Ferré are recorded in order to enable us to better serve our customers, for quality assurance purposes and to ensure an accurate record relevant to any transaction under our terms.

If you contact Maison Ferré by live chat from our Site or Application, by email or phone, Maison Ferré will collect your personal information and use this information to identify you as a customer, help with your query, process your order/reservation, deliver products and services, process payments, update our records and to generally manage your account with us under our terms with you. Maison Ferré may also use information, including our chat history with you, to better understand the interests and preferences of our customer audiences.

When you are chatting to Maison Ferré through live chat, the stylist or Customer Service representative that you are chatting with may be able to see the country that you are browsing from, the Maison Ferré pages that you are navigating to and/or the products that you have viewed and/or purchased on our Site, in order to better understand your preferences and help you with your browsing.

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Maison Ferré UPDATES 

We will only send you Maison Ferré updates about our products, services and events if you want to receive them (and, if required under applicable laws, you have provided your consent). You can opt out of receiving updates (which would signify withdrawing your consent if you have provided consent), at any time (see “Unsubscribe from Maison Ferré updates” below).

When sending you Maison Ferré updates we will use the preferred communication method you selected (e.g. by e-mail, post, phone or messaging services). If you have enabled push notifications on the Application or your mobile device, we will send you Maison Ferré updates on your phone.

We may also obtain personal information where you “like” us, create posts, mention us in public posts or otherwise interact with our pages on social media platforms and may in response, use this information to communicate with you or provide relevant content via those social media platforms about our products, events and promotions where permitted to do so in accordance with applicable laws. Please refer to the privacy policies of the social media platforms for information about how they collect and use your personal information.


If you are registered to receive Maison Ferré updates relating to our products, services and events, and you no longer wish to receive these, you can request that we amend your preferences. You can do that either as indicated in the particular communication, using the unsubscribe link which is included on all email updates, or by amending your preferences online (see ‘Your rights in relation to your personal information’ below). Maison Ferré will stop sending updates in respect of which you opt out (or withdraw your consent, where applicable) within a reasonable period (as required by applicable law) and in any event within 28 days of receiving your request, in order to allow sufficient time for the change to be administered. You may opt out of receiving push notifications on your phone by changing through the settings on your mobile device or in the ‘Account Settings’ on the Application.

If you opt out of receiving Maison Ferré updates relating to our products, services and events, we may still send you non-marketing communications such as emails about your account or purchases you have made from the Site or Application, and/or emails to request and respond to feedback relating to Maison Ferré. We will only use your contact information where permitted to do so in accordance with applicable laws.

In certain circumstances, we may share your personal information with other companies in the Maison Ferré group (including joint ventures) globally (“AFFILIATED COMPANIES”) and selected service providers (which may include franchisees and licensees, depending on your country of residence) who sell or promote Maison Ferré products and services or perform other functions on our behalf such as fulfilling orders, processing payments, and carrying out promotional services or data management as permitted by applicable laws or with your consent (if so required by applicable laws) as further described below (“SERVICE PROVIDERS”). We may also share aggregated or anonymised information that does not directly identify you. Please select from different sections of this Privacy Policy below to learn more about who we may share your information with and when.

Where we share your personal information with third parties (whether our Affiliated Companies or selected service providers), we will put in place contractual measures to require Affiliated Companies and Service Providers to take reasonable precautions to safeguard your personal information, as required by applicable laws.


We may share information about you with companies we have chosen to handle our order dispatch service, any delivery company that we may use from time to time and with other companies that provide support services to us, including website hosting companies, IT service providers and fraud management solution providers. We may also share your information with other companies who sell or promote Maison Ferré products and services, (including social media and internet search platforms who you independently subscribe to), in order to provide you with an enhanced customer experience. In addition, we may also share certain limited information with companies who assist Maison Ferré with other services, for example, in analysing our customer data in order to better understand, profile and monitor customer patterns so we can consistently improve our products and services and understand what may be of interest to you and other customers. In each case, we will only provide these companies with the information which they need to carry out their services and they will not be permitted to use the information for other purposes. They will only be allowed to use your information in the way in which we instruct them and as permitted by applicable laws.


Where your order is delivered by one of Maison Ferré’s third party delivery or order dispatch service providers (e.g. SF Express, FedEx and UPS), only that information necessary for their delivery purposes is provided. The privacy policy of that third party delivery or order dispatch service provider may also apply where that service provider also processes your personal data in their capacity as a data controller under applicable data protection laws. For more information, please visit the privacy policy on the website(s) of the applicable delivery or order dispatch service provider which delivers your order.


Payments using our Site or Application are made through our payment solutions providers. We may also direct you to our providers’ sites if you wish to make a remote purchase when speaking to our Customer Service and/or store teams. In each case, you will be providing credit or debit card information direct to our providers who process payment details further.

When you make a payment we may share your information, including details of your transaction, with service providers who provide fraud detection and management solutions related to your transaction, and, in respect of transactions on, for the purposes of carrying out sanctions screening services.


In certain circumstances (where required or permitted under applicable laws or with your consent (if so required by applicable laws), we may disclose personal information relating to you to third parties (including in other jurisdictions) in order to conform to any requirements of law, to comply with any legal or regulatory process, for the purposes of obtaining legal advice, for the purposes of credit risk reduction, to prevent and detect fraud, for sanctions screening purposes and/or to protect and defend the rights and property of Maison Ferré and other members of the Maison Ferré group. At all times where we disclose your information for the purposes of credit risk reduction, fraud prevention and/or sanctions screening, we will take all steps reasonably necessary to help ensure that it remains secure.


In the event that we or a part of our business undergo re-organisation or are sold or licensed to a third party, any personal information we hold about you may be transferred to that re-organised entity, licensee or third party.


The personal information that you provide through the Site and/or Applications is processed in the Taiwan, China and is stored on servers in the following countries: Hong Kong, China & Taiwan, china.

We may transfer information that we collect from you to other companies in the Maison Ferré group, joint ventures, franchisees, licensees, other companies who promote and sell Maison Ferré products and services and to selected service providers who perform functions on our behalf (as described above), based in your country/region of residence, where permitted by applicable laws, or if we have your consent (if so required by applicable laws) and this information may be stored and processed in such countries/regions.

Personal information stored in another jurisdiction may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, or law enforcement in that jurisdiction according to its laws. Whether the personal information you provide to us is processed by us or our Affiliated Companies or services providers within the Taiwan, CHina or outside of it, we will take steps to ensure that your personal information will be afforded the level of protection required of us under and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws and in accordance with current legally recognised data transfer mechanisms, such as appropriate Taiwan approved standard contractual clauses and the standard contractual clauses (to be) formulated and adopted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (as relevant).

  • You may have the right under applicable data protection laws to ask:
    • For details of the personal information we hold and process about you (including information regarding how your information may be shared),
    • For a copy of your personal information,
    • That we correct your personal information where it is inaccurate and/or that we complete your information where it is incomplete,
    • That we limit or restrict your personal information in certain cases,
    • That we delete your personal information in certain cases,
    • To receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and for Maison Ferré to transmit that data to another controller (data portability) in certain cases
    • To de-register your account if you have registered a customer account with us,
    • To object and opt out of important decisions which were based solely on automated decision-making.
  • You can also limit or withdraw any consent you give to us at any time and may have the right under applicable law to object to us using your personal information for Maison Ferré’s legitimate purposes. You may ask us for further information regarding withdrawal or refusal of consent and the consequences of such refusal. If you do withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of any previous processing based upon such consent.
    If you would like to exercise any of these rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you or wish to change your preferences at any time, please contact our Customer Service Team at [email protected]. If you have an online customer account, you can also access, amend or update your information by logging into My Account on the Site or Application and amending your details as appropriate.
    Please note that we may require you to verify your identity in order to process a request made to exercise your rights in relation to your personal information. If we are unable to match this information, we may ask you to provide additional identifying information, such as a copy of your passport or drivers’ license. You may designate a third party to act on your behalf provided they have appropriate written authority to do so.
    If you make a request to delete your personal information, note that we may not delete all of your information. We may still process your personal information if it is necessary to do so and we are lawfully permitted. For example, in the following circumstances:
    • Transactional: to complete a transaction for which the personal information was collected, provide goods or services requested by you, or perform a contract we have with you;
    • Security and Maintenance: in the context of detecting and/or preventing security incidents and/or to debug or repair any errors; or
    • Legal: to protect against fraud or illegal activity or to comply with applicable laws or resolve legal claims or exercise rights under applicable laws.
  • If you remain unhappy with a response you receive from us you can refer the matter to your local data protection supervisory authority.
    To opt out of sharing your personal information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes, please e-mail us at [email protected] and clearly state your request, including your name, mailing address, e-mail address and phone number. Please see “Unsubscribe from Maison Ferré updates” for additional information. You also have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal information to third parties.
    If you exercise any of your personal information rights detailed in this section, we will not discriminate against you and we will not deny you goods or services, charge you a different price, or provide you with a lesser quality of goods or services.

We will only keep your information as long as you remain an active customer and for 5 years afterwards or otherwise as required for our business operations or by applicable laws. Recordings of calls to Customer Service are retained for 6 months unless it is reasonable or legally required in the circumstances to hold such recording(s) for a longer period (for example, due to a potential dispute, complaint or ongoing customer service enquiry). We may need to retain certain personal information even once a customer account has been closed or deleted to enforce our terms, to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, for fraud prevention, to identify, issue or resolve legal claims and/or for proper record keeping purposes. We may also retain a record of any stated objection by you to receiving Maison Ferré updates for the purpose of ensuring we can continue to respect your wishes and not contact you further. Your personal information will be deleted or destroyed in a manner that cannot be restored or reproduced.

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use.  Unfortunately, transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information submitted to us and any transmission is at your own risk.

We do however use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access wherever possible. Personal information may be accessed by persons within our organization, or our third-party service partners, who require such access to carry out the purposes indicated above, or such other purposes as may be permitted or required by the applicable law.

Personal information provided to Maison Ferré via the Site, Application and online credit card transactions are transmitted through a secure server using Secure Socket Layering (SSL), encryption technology. When the letters “http” in the URL change to “https,” the “s” indicates you are in a secure area employing SSL; also, your browser may give you a pop-up message that you are about to enter a secure area or display a padlock image. The Site and the Application use this encryption technology to protect your information during data transport. SSL encrypts ordering information such as your name, address and credit card number. Our customer service centre and stores also operate over a private, secure network. Please note that e-mail is not encrypted and is not considered to be a secure means of transmitting credit card information.

The Site and/or Application may from time to time contain links to other websites not controlled by us. We do not accept responsibility or liability for the privacy practices, data collected or the content of such other websites. The operators of these linked websites are not under a duty to abide by this Privacy Policy. If there are terms and conditions, other privacy statements or policies appearing on those websites, you should also review them carefully as your use of those sites may be subject to them.

You must be at least 13 years’ old (or 14 years’ old, if you are a customer in mainland China, or 18 years old if you are a customer in Saudi Arabia) to use our Site and Applications. If you are under 13 or a minor in your country or state or region of residence, your parent or legal guardian must provide their information and agree to this Privacy Policy on your behalf and you may only access and use our Site and Applications with permission from your parent or legal guardian. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 or equivalent minimum age depending on jurisdiction. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personal information from a child under the age of 13 (14 for mainland China and 18 for Saudi Arabia) or equivalent minimum age depending on jurisdiction, we will delete such information from our records.

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We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The amended Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site or Application. Please check this page regularly for changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you and obtain your consent (if required by applicable law) before they take effect either through the Site or Application or by sending you a notification.  Any such material changes will only apply to personal information collected after the revised Privacy Policy took effect.

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You can contact us if you have any questions about the way in which your personal information is being collected or used which are not answered by this Privacy Policy. Please contact us at [email protected].