Mademoiselle Spring Summer 2023

She sat down under a tree, and take in the surrounding with all five senses. The day could have not got better except there is something confusing her. A feeling she hasn’t yet figured out

Is this felling love, as she questions herself. It’s surely is love, but not for someone else. It’s the love for herself, the love of being who she is and what possibilities there may be. The love she has always been missing due to not putting herself first.

Mademoiselle is Maison Ferré first debut collection for Spring Summer 2023. It is inspired by a young lady I met on my journey. She is beautiful, elegant, smart, well-mannered, pure, and kind. If an angel existed, she must have been one. If you ever met her you will understand my words can’t put her justice, so I’ll allow the collection to tell her story.